Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Columbo (1968 - 2003)


Ahhh Columbo, I have been watching this series for three months and now I've finally completed it. 
At first I didn't watch the pilot episode for Columbo, so I was a bit surprised when watching the Murder by the Book episode, how the viewer could watch the murder unfold, the alibi, the method and execution. Enter Columbo to the scene after dusting for prints and talking to the witnesses (if any), goes around connecting the dots in a mostly believable way.

Murder by the Book. (S01EP01) (1971)

I like to think he's so sharp (despite his look and demeanor) that when he sets his eyes for the first time on the murderer, he instantly knows that he/she did it except that one time, then the episode becomes about collecting evidence linking the murderer to the victim and pressuring them in the most laxed way possible with his finds, until he meets them one last time before he arrests them.

 Grand Deceptions (S08EP04) (1989) 

The scenes, their composition and décor is always sublime; seeing how many of these cases involve rich individuals.

A Matter Of Honor (S05EP04) (1976) 

Old Fashioned Murder (S06EP02) (1976) 

How to Dial a Murder (S07EP04) (1978) 

The Conspirators (S07EP05) (1978) 

Murder, Smoke and Shadows (S08EP02) (1989) 

The series is also filled with beautiful cars of the Malaise era, I'll share here mostly the screenshots I took of the one's that grabbed my eye. 

Columbo and the Murder of a Rock Star (S10EP03) (1991) 

Columbo (Peter Falk) drives his iconic 1959 Peugeot 403 Cabriolet (convertible).  

Ransom for a Dead Man (Pilot Episode) (1971) 

 Death Lends A Hand (S01EP02) (1971) 

 The Most Crucial Game (S02EP03) (1972) 

Negative Reaction (S04EP02) (1974) 

Negative Reaction (S04EP02) (1974) 

Negative Reaction (S04EP02) (1974) 

Negative Reaction (S04EP02) (1974) 

By Dawn's Early Light (S04EP03) (1974) 

A Deadly State of Mind (S04EP06) (1975) 

Forgotten Lady (S05EP01) (1975) 

Forgotten Lady (S05EP01) (1975) 

Identity Crisis (S05EP03) (1976) 

Identity Crisis (S05EP03) (1976) 

Identity Crisis (S05EP03) (1976) 

Identity Crisis (S05EP03) (1976) 

 A Matter Of Honor (S05EP04) (1976) 

 A Matter Of Honor (S05EP04) (1976) 

The Bye-Bye Sky High IQ Murder Case (S06EP03) (1976) 

Try and Catch Me (S07EP01) (1977) 

Murder, Smoke and Shadows (S08EP02) (1989) 

Uneasy Lies the Crown (S09EP05) (1990) 

Murder in Malibu (S09EP06) (1990) 

It's All in the Game (S12EP01) (1993)

It's All in the Game (S12EP01) (1993)

Ashes to Ashes (S13EP03) (1998)

Columbo Likes the Nightlife (S13EP05) (2003)

Some hotties with interesting garbs were introduced, I only grabbed two screenshots though.

Ransom for a Dead Man (Pilot Episode) (1971) 

Identity Crisis  (S05EP03) (1976) 

Columbo's character easily carries the whole show, I'll admit a few of the episodes were either boring or simply overstayed their welcome.

Gee I almost forgot! Oh and one more thing! Sorry sir just one more thing! 

Overall Rating: 8.5/10


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